The Most Common Dried Food Recipe

Food drying is a mode of food preservation which basically involves the complete removal of water from food stuffs as a way of preserving the food for longer periods. Food drying helps inhabit the growth of bacteria’s which thrive much better in wet environments. Different types of foods are dried differently. The following are the most common dried food recipes.

Drying Fish
Dried food recipe of fish depend on the type of fish been dried. Fish can be preserved by drying using the following procedure.
Wash the fish thoroughly using clean water.

Open up the fish and remove the internal organs as well as the gills but leave the skin intact.
Wash the fish one more time this term both internal and external parts. Soak the fish in brine water (water containing salt).for 30 minutes to one hour. After the brining time has elapsed, rinse the salted fish to remove excess salt.
Place the fish on a wire mesh and expose it to the sun for 2 to 3 days. Alternatively, a dehydrator can be used.
After drying, seal the fish with a clean nylon paper and store it at room temperature.

Drying Cucumbers
Wash, dry and slice up to 6 cucumbers into small round pieces.
Place the sliced cucumber pieces on a dehydrator racks.
Switch on the dehydrator and dry for up to 4 hours at 135 degree Celsius.
Store the dried cucumbers inside water free utensils such as plates or dishes.

Drying Ground beef
The following is a complete and comprehensive dried food recipe for ground beef.
Cook the plain ground beef with no added fat or seasonings.

Remove the fat by boiling the ground beef using a colander lined with cheesecloth.
Remove excess moisture by using a salad spinner or cook until dry.

Switch on the dehydrator for around 30 minutes at 160 degree Celsius.
Place the cooked and rinsed beef onto the dehydrator racks for up to 12 hour.
Allow the hamburger rolls to cool and place them into sterilized canning jars.
Place oxygen absorbers into clean sterilized jars and close them tightly using lids.
Store the jars in a cool dry and dark place away from heat and moisture.

Drying Tomatoes

Slice the tomatoes in a uniform form and place them on a dehydrator rack with plenty of space between them.
Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and set the dehydrator temperatures at 135 degree.
Dry for 20 hours and keep tabs after 10 hours in between the drying.
An oven can be used to dry the tomatoes if a dehydrator is not available.
Allow the dehydrated tomatoes to cool and dry completely before packing them.
Store them in jars in a refrigerator for up to 6 months. A freezer can be used as well and storage can be up to 1 year.

Dehydrating Apples

Completely wash the apples using clean water.
Prepare the fruit fresh solution by mixing Fruit Fresh with one quart of water and stir evenly until the solution completely dissolves.
Peel of the apples and trim them using the peeler tool.
Drop the trimmed apple pieces into the fruit solution and separate them evenly to ensure complete exposure of the fruits to the solution.
Allow the trimmed pieces to stay in the solution for up to 1 hour.
Remove the pieces from the solution and place them on clean dry trays.
Dehydrate for 8 hours at 135 degrees.
Store them in mason jars.